
fit 2001 for week 4

Beginning analysis

1. Different models are used in the information system development:

a) Mathematical: formulas that describe technical aspects of the system

b) Descriptive: narrative memos reports or lists that describe aspects of the system

c) Graphical: diagrams and schematic representation of some aspect of the system

2. Overview of models used in analysis and design

a) Analysis phase activity named “define system requirements”

i. Logical models

ii. Provide detail without regard to specific technology.

b) Design phase

i. Physical models

ii. Provide technical details

iii. Extend logical models

3. Events: occurrences at a specific time and place, and trigger all system processing

Types of events:

a) External event: outside system, and initiated by external agent or actor

i. External agent wants something resulting in a transaction

ii. External agent wants some information

iii. Data changed needs to be updated

iv. Management wants some information

b) Temporal event: occurs as result of reaching a point in time, and based on the system deadline

i. Internal outputs needed

ii. External: statements, status, reports, bills, reminders

c) State: something inside system triggers processing nee

Event table:




Use case



How does the system know the event occurred

The source of data entering the system

What does the system do when the event occurs?

What output is produced by the system?

What external agent gets the output

4. Things and system

Procedure for developing an initial list of things

a) Using the event table and information about each event, identify all nouns about the system

b) Using other information from existing systems, current procedures and current reports or forms, add items or categories of information needed.

c) Refine list and record assumptions or issues to explore

Characteristics of things:

a) Relationship

b) Attribute: a piece of information about a thing


Objects do the work in the system and store information in OO approach, and objects have behaviors and attributes.

An object is encapsulated – a self-contained unit.

The class diagram

5. UML

OO system requirements are specified and documented through process of building models, and system development process starts with identification of events and things.

Events are business processes that new system must addressed.

Things are problem domain objects involved in business process.


Fit2001 for week 3

Lecture 3
1. The analysis phase in more detail
a) Gather information : what the user wants
b) Define requirements: what we will build
c) Prioritize requirements
d) Prototype for feasibility and discovery
e) Generate and evaluate alternatives
f) Review recommendations with management
2. System requirements: new system capabilities and constraints
a) Functional requirements: activities system must perform
b) Nonfunctional requirements
3. Stakeholders – the source of system requirements: people with interest in successful system implementation.
a) Users (user system)
Horizontal user roles – information flow across departments
Vertical user roles – information needs of clerical staff, middle management and senior executive
b) Clients (pay for and own the system)
c) Technical staff (ensure system operation)
4. Techniques for information gathering: analysis phase done to understand business functions and develop system requirements
a) Original structure
b) Current structure
5. Fact finding methods
a) Review existing reports, forms and procedure descriptions
i. Source: external industry wide professional organizations and trade publications
ii. Existing business documents and procedure descriptions within organization
b) Conduct interviews and discussions with users: effective way to understand business functions and rules.
c) Observe and document business processes: varies from office walkthrough to performing actual tasks, and not necessary to observe all processes at the same level of detail
d) Build prototypes: preliminary working model of a larger, more complex system, and working model to provide “look and feel”
e) Distribute and collect questionnaires: limited and specific information from a large number of stakeholders.
i. Closed-ended questions direct person answering question.
ii. Open-ended questions encourage discussion and elaboration.
f) Conduct JAD sessions: expedite investigation of systems requirements
g) Research vendor solutions
h) Validating the requirements: make sure gathered information is correct.


Fit 2001 week 2

Fit 2001 week 2:
The Context Systems Analysis and Design
1. Phases of system development of life cycle (SDLC):
a) Planning (important to confirm the feasibility of the project)
b) Analysis (important to understand the business needs)
c) Design
d) Implementation
e) Support (maintain, enhance, support)
2. Scheduling project phases:
a) Waterfall approach- each phase falls into next phase
b) Overlapping (current) approach
c) Spiral model: and adaptive SDLC approach that cycles over and over again through development activities until a project is complete.
3. Methodologies and models:
a) Methodologies: comprehensive guidelines to follow for completing every SDLC activity collection of models, tools and techniques.
b) Models: representation of an important aspect of real world, but not some real thing
c) Tools: software support that helps creating models and other required project components.
d) Techniques: collection of guidelines that helps analyze complete system development activity or task.
4. Two approach
a) Traditional approach
b) Object-oriented approach-views information system as collection of interacting objects that work together to accomplish objects.
5. Confirm project feasibility:
a) Economic feasibility:
i. CBA-cost/benefit analysis
ii. Intangible cost/benefit cannot be measured in dollars
b) Organizational and cultural feasibility
c) Technological feasibility
d) Schedule feasibility
e) Resource feasibility
f) Staffing and launching feasibility.